Hot! PURR – Kinky Warehouse Party

When : Saturday, July 6, 2024, 9pm-2am
Where : BRAND NEW private warehouse space, location given to ticket holders
Tickets : $30-40+ + s/c
Promo Code Required Newsletter Pre-Sale Tickets : Thursday May 9 @ noon
Sign Up & Get The Promo Code : HERE
General Access Tickets Release : Monday May 13 @ noon

All the Love Cats & Sex Kittens of Vancouver know that PURR is one of the most red hot events in the city! We only do this party once every 3-6 months and it is EPIC every single time. We are beyond excited to announce JULY 6th as our next date for another multi-room party of mischief & mayhem! Join us for a frisky takeover of THE FRESHEST new warehouse venue on the scene! DJs, dancing, massive kinky play room, vendors, performers and lots more …



Restricted Entertainment, Sin City Fetish Night, Passion Portal, DJ Pandemonium & AKASHA!


Our playful PURR parties present an opportunity for cat-lovers, electronic music party lovers, kink party lovers, lifestylers and the LGBTQ+ communities to express themselves, get creative, intermingle and socialize in a safe, consent-based environment with sensual vibes and dirty basslines (awww yeaaah).

Dress up or come casual, all are welcome to come out and play!

There is no dress code in the main areas but colourful, creative, kinky wear is encouraged! 

Cat themed outfits are PARTICULARLY encouraged but totes not required! Get them kitty ears out!

The MAIN rooms and areas are fully open to everyone, in all manner of attire.  No dress code. Come dressed however you like and get ready to PARTY!

The KINK PLAY & LOUNGE ROOMS, where you will find the spanking benches, padded kink play furniture area, cuddle couches etc, are all FETISH ATTIRE REQUIRED. You will not be able to access these areas if attired in plainclothes only!

So if you want to dress up extra kinky, rubber, cross dress, lingerie, topless etc, and are nervous about doing so in a mixed crowd environment, rest assured there is a 100% kink attire only area you can retreat to if that’s your comfort zone!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ DJs ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Proppa (Canadian debut!)


Control Obsolete
Misty Blue
+ more TBA!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ VENDORS ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Baelien Bling
More TBA


It has been some time since we have been able to present a full on kink play room, but for this PURR we are staging our biggest one yet, so be prepared for some seriously over the top frisky vibes! You and your consenting partner/s can enjoy some pervy playtime on one of the many pieces of padded play furniture brought in especially for this event!

♥ ♥ ♥ PRIVACY ♥ ♥ ♥

In an effort to support the experience & comfort of others, taking of personal photos or selfies inside the event is not permitted.  A clearly identified staff photographer will be covering the event for those who want photos.

Cell phone use is strongly discouraged, particularly on the dancefloor.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ SAFETY ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

All of our family of Restricted Entertainment events encourage self-expression through costume, art, music and dance, and expect mutual respect, and appreciation to be shared amongst attendees. We come together to lift each other UP and celebrate everyone’s unique identity! Homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and any type of bigotry or aggressive conduct will not be tolerated.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ CONSENT ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The best events are ones where all attendees practice awareness and empathy for all their fellow humans! Please be aware of the effect your words and actions have on those around you, and always strive to conduct yourself in a way that adds to the feelings of fun, safety and security of those around you .

Our female-led Consent Queen Team will be on site and actively monitoring from a discreet distance to help curate as safe, sane and consensual a vibe as possible.  Our Consent team is in addition to the regular security team provided by the venue.  If at any time you have a safety or consent related concern, please bring it up immediately with a Consent or Security team member!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ COMMUNITY SUPPORT ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Whether you are attending or not, you can help grassroots alternative counter-culture events like this grow, simply by inviting friends, or posting a link to the event on your social media, along with a personal shout out! Thank you in advance to our extended family of art & music lovers out there for helping amplify the vibe!

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