93 Roving Photos From Sin City’s Fetish Hospital Party
The annual Fetish Hospital at Sin City is always a fun one for extra kinky props, performances, kink play and just straight out perverted fun. Click through to check out the full gallery!
The annual Fetish Hospital at Sin City is always a fun one for extra kinky props, performances, kink play and just straight out perverted fun. Click through to check out the full gallery!
We have had TONS of requests for the gallery from this event, and for good reason! THIS GALLERY IS AMAZING! The 2015 Sin City Fetish Carnival was absolutely PACKED with colourful, kinky people having the time of their lives! Take five minutes and flip through this set of photos from the night … you’ll find yourself alternately being turned on, laughing, having your eyes pop out of your head from some of the incredible outfits, and loving every second of the fun oozing out of these photos!
Click through to see the most glamourous photo set from Sin City EVER! Not only does it feature our ultra sexy crowd of Sinners throwing caution and inhibition to the winds and partying it up HARD, it also features the unbelievably stunning models and creations from our main stage fetish fashion show starring Lace Embrace Atelier and Nicole Rose Designs! All photos by our very talented resident photographer Patrick Parenteau.
to check out the full gallery chock full of sexy Sinners partying it up in the glamour photo booth, with many, many, MANY corset-inspired creations and amazing outfits, including all the models from the incredible fetish fashion show that night with Lace Embrace Atelier and Nicole Rose Designs!
Resident photographer Patrick Parenteau infiltrated virtually every corner, nook and cranny of the absolutely slammed and sexy 2015 Sin City Valentine’s Fetish Ball, capturing an unbelievable amount of perfect snapshots of the party in action. Click through to see them all!
A reminder that for the upcoming Carnival Of Kink party, plain baggy clown suits do not cut it for kink attire and will not pass the fetish dress code. Sin City is a fetish party first and though the theme is super fun and highly anticipated by a tremendous amount of people, it is a carnival party second! All outfits must be kinky or sexy in some way to pass the fetish dress code! Outfits such as clown makeup and an out of the bag Halloween type clown outfit will NOT pass fetish dress code.
Valentine’s is ALWAYS one of Sin City’s biggest parties of the year, but the 2015 Fetish Ball took things to a while other level. Click through to see all 470 photos from the photo booth!
Sin City hosts an info booth showcasing our fetish events at the 2015 Taboo Naughty But Nice Sex Show. Sexy shenanigans ensue. Click to see the whole gallery, shot by Patrick Parenteau!
We love ALL the photo galleries from every event featuring our lovely Sinner attendees, but every now and then one really stands out which captures the spirit and energy of the party especially well, and truly showcases the diverse mix of wonderful people whose energy and presence make our fetish gatherings as fantastic as they are. This gallery is one of them. Click though and enjoy!
Our roving photographer has a knack for finding out-of-the-way spots at the club and shooting unconventional and AMAZING private shots with Sin City attendees. At this particular party on January 10th, the girls had him seeing red …. click through to see all 30 photos from the set! All photos shot by Patrick Parenteau of DVPix International.