Military Fetish Ball Dress Guidelines and Charity Works!

As we near our 8th annual Sin City Military Fetish Ball, we’d like to make a few reminders about dress guidelines!
Sin City, as always, is a fetish-first event, so any and all outfits must pass the fetish dress code or entry to the event will not be permitted. This year’s event falls directly on Remembrance Day, which allows us to salute our serving men and women in the forces with a good old fashioned kinky party the way we do best! However this does lead us to remind people to use good judgment in putting outfits together and avoid themes which may be too sensitive for people who do not share a light-hearted approach to breaking sexy taboos. The Military Fetish Ball is a time for celebrating the sexiness of the military look and mindset, and not be insensitive to people who are or were actual serving members of the military!
Here’s a quote from one of our regulars which sums things up nicely :
As a serving member if the military, we observe Remembrance Day very solemnly. However, after the ceremony, we celebrate and pay tribute to our fallen comrades. This happens every year. It’s common for the Legions to have their busiest day of the year that day. Also, in Vancouver, usually the Blarney Stone is a favorite for soldiers. Quite a few of the boys will end up at Sin, myself included. We are treated well there, and we never have to worry about any problems, as normally happens when soldiers drink lol. I lost a friend in Afghanistan, we pay tribute by going to his final resting place and drinking his favorite drink, Strongbow, in his honor.
All 50/50 draw proceeds that night will be donated to the Honour House Society.
The Honour House Society provides a temporary home for Canadian Forces personnel, veterans, first responders (ambulance paramedics, firefighters and police) and their families while they are receiving medical care and treatment in the Metro Vancouver area. We aim to raise a minimum of $250 for donation at the event, so please visit the sexy 50/50 fetish fundraiser flogger boys & girls and enter often!
Read more about the Honour House Society here.
See you on Sunday, Sinners!